

Porque el mar es cosa de todos+

Cuidar el medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos, pero el Club se ha propuesto el objetivo de ser ejemplar en la materia sometiéndose periódicamente a auditorías medioambientales, realizando prácticas de formación medioambiental de sus trabajadores y formentando entre los usuarios prácticas medioambientales positivas.+

  • Ecoport: Nuestro Puerto consiguió en 2004 la Certificación medioambiental Ecoport por las buenas prácticas que a diario se realizan.+
  • Blue flag: The RCNP has been in the past years recognized with the Blue Flag, awarded by the European Foundation of environmental education.
  • Huella de Carbono: El Real Club Náutico dispone del sello de Huella de Carbono y ha elaborado un plan para poder reducirlo en los próximos años.+
  • ISO 14001 – ISO9001 y EMAS: El Real Club Náutico de Palma está certificado de la ISO 14001 y EMAS que se encarga de la gestión ambiental y de la ISO 9001 que valora aspectos de calidad. Estos certificados cumplen con estándares internacionales de gestión de organizaciones.+

An environmental certification requires an individual and collective positive attitude from all the members and staff at the RCNP. The clubs main objective is to renew this and other certificates every year. At this point we remind all of you the following good practices:

  • A clean sea: The waters of the port of Palma is a responsibility of each one of us. The sea cannot be treated as a garbage deposit. Therefore, the respect for the environment, begins by a non-contaminating action on land and on the water.
  • Water saving: Water is a scarce commodity in the Balearic Islands, especially in summer. it is important not to misuse water and economize it as much as possible to help the environmental equilibrium. All the plumbing installations and services are periodically revised and have reduced potential leakage a 40 %. But the most important of all is to encourage the members and staff to reduce excessive consumption. The use of water pistols is a civic and moral duty.
  • Selective garbage collection: throughout the marina you will find different collecting points for oil, batteries, glass, solid waste, organic materials, etc. Please use them correctly.
  • Bilge and grey waters evacuation: the new maritime regulations require all the boat owners to comply with a series of environmental measures of which one is not to allow them to throw contaminating products in the sea. The port also adds to these prevention actions, with a pump to extract grey waters and bilge liquids. This service is available calling VHF 9 or 77
  • Bengalas y cohetes: La nueva normativa en materia de seguridad obliga a los armadores a depositar las bengalas y cohetes caducados en centros especializados en su venta. No está permitido arrojarlos a los contenedores por obvias razones de peligrosidad y protección medioambiental.+