

Jaime Enseñat, alma pater of the balearic sailing world and promoter of the Princess Sofia and the Copa del Rey, rests in peace

Jaime Enseñat died yesterday in Palma at the age of 78. Known as one of the most energetic persons to push forward the balearic sailing world and some of the most important regattas in Spain such as the Trofeo S.A.R. Princesa Sofía y de la Copa del Rey. He was the president of both international events for years.

Enseñat, born in Palma on the 4th of June, 1935, also presided the Federación Balear de Vela (FBV), and served as vice-president of the Real Club Náutico de Palma, where he always felt as at home, as he expressed several times.

Although he dedicated his life to the sailing world, he will mostly be remmembered as one of the most important promoters of the Trofeo S.A.R. Sofía since 1968, actually an event qualified as one out of the five most important international regattas that have helped the Bay of Palma to become one of the best places to sail and well known for it's grand regattas.

Just a year ago, Enseñat explained how he began to sail with 14 years when optimist where not even invented. He sailed in lateen rigged boats till he became local champion in the Snipe Class, then to the Dragon Class.

Jaime was a famous and serious lawyer and an important business man, well known for his peacefullness and as a good negotiator, always contacting and negotiation himself with the events sponsors.
I used to suffer a lot during the regattas, now that I see them as a retired person, I feel a great pleasure “, ensures Jaime in his last interview for the club's magazine, A bordo.

The RCNP paid Jaime a warm tribute in the past edition of the Gala del Deporte in 2012, in which Jaime Carbonell, present manager of the yacht club pointed out that the sailing world in the Balearic Islands would not be where it is at present without his commitment and dedication.

“How would I like to be remembered? As a man who loved sailing and who dedicated his whole life to this sport. It was much more than a job or occupation". declared Enseñat during his last interview. For sure this is how we will remember him.