

  • Return+
  •  09/04/2014  •   Cruising Regattas

Memorial Pep Tomas, the only complete crew event of the offshore regatas in the regional calendar

The regatta will depart this next friday, organised by the RCNP and with 8 entered yachts in ORC class that will sail from Palma to the island of Tagomago, round Cabrera and back. This 150 mile course is the only offshore regatta for complete crewed yachts.

The competitors will assist in first place a briefing to study the weather conditions for this difficult offshore regatta. This event usually presents different wind conditions from very light conditions to strong winds.
Most of the entered yachts have competed in the past editions, such as Petrouchka III of Jaime Binimelis, Histolab of JJ Torres and Omi II of Francisco Llompart.
The first boats to arrive back to Palma are expected on Saturday evening.