

  •  14/04/2013   •
  •  Canoeing

El K4 femenino del RCNP-La Caixa, campeĂłn nacional en la distancia olĂ­mpica de 500 metros

El equipo de piragüismo del RCNP-Obra Social La Caixa sigue dando alegrías al deporte balear. La tripulación de K4 femenino -compuesta por Elena Monleón, Alicia Heredia, Selena Coca y Raquel Bota- se ha proclamado hoy campeona de España de la distancia olímpica de 500 metros. [Enlarged ]

  •  13/04/2013   •
  •  Culture

Luca Monzani creates a painting collection for the winners of Gaastra PalmaVela

The regatta Gaastra PalmaVela this year will award a special prize to all the winners. The artist, Luca Monzani, is the author of the first logo of the event and of the Round Mallorca Sailing Record (Four Stripes Challenge) award, and has created a pictorial collection named “Tenth Anniversary-PalmaVela Awards”. [Enlarged ]

  •  12/04/2013   •
  •  Conference

Conference: The evolution of the sail materials, presented by Matias Gil.

This next friday, 19th of April, the sailmaker Matias Gil will give a conference at the Real Club Nautico de Palma [Enlarged ]

  •  10/04/2013   •
  •  Canoeing

El equipo del RCN Palma-Os La Caixa prepara la Copa del Rey de 1.000 metros

El próximo fin de semana, días 13 y 14 de abril, tendrá lugar en Verducido (Galicia) la Copa del Rey de 1.000 metros, una prueba donde competirán los mejores deportistas nacionales de esta distancia, ya que es clasificatoria de cara al Campeonato de Europa en las categorías Hombre, Junior, Senior y Sub 23. [Enlarged ]

  •  09/04/2013   •
  •  Social

Así será el nuevo Village de la Copa del Rey MAPFRE

Javier Sanz, presidente del RCNP, afirma que la regata “es un patrimonio de Mallorca” y apuesta por trasladar “sus emociones” a los ciudadanos
[Enlarged ]

  •  07/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Joan Carles Cardona completa una gran final y acaba séptimo en el Princesa Sofía Mapfre

Iván Pastor gana en la clase RS:X masculino de la regata mallorquina, primera parada en el camino a Rio 2016 [Enlarged ]

  •  07/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Fantastic finale in Palma

It was interesting to test here a new scoring system and format, and despite mixed opinions, the regatta has deserving winners in all classes and most of the regatta leaders conserved their yellow jersey after their medal races. [Enlarged ]

  •  05/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Last hurdle towards Palma title

The Medal stage will define winners in all classes [Enlarged ]

  •  04/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Finals heat up racing in Palma

With racing entering the final stage in the ISAF Sailing World Cup Palma – Princess Sofia MAPFRE the pressure for good scores is increasing and pitting the top sailors against each other. [Enlarged ]

  •  03/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Sailors ready for finals in Palma

The 44th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Mapfre, ISAF Sailing World Cup Palma regatta, saw the conclusion of the qualification series after three days of fantastic racing in varied conditions in the bay of Palma. [Enlarged ]

  •  02/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Palma, the place to be for Rio hopefuls

For one week, at least, Trofeo Princess Sofia Mapfre – ISAF Sailing World Cup Palma is the centre of the Olympic sailing world with the best sailors competing to reach the next level. [Enlarged ]

  •  01/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Regatta favourites open the scores in the 44th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Mapfre

Racing started in the 44th Trofeo Sofia Mapfre, ISAF Sailing World Cup Palma, with increasing wind and waves, providing for challenging races. The 49er FX, Nacra and 2.4 missed on racing, as did some of the 49er in the blue group. In most classes the favourites have taken an early lead in the testing conditions. [Enlarged ]

  •  01/04/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

More medals for the RCNP

Joan Cardona takes bronze medal and silver under 16 at the Copa de Copa de España held in Gijón. Christian Poulet won in the senior category and Miranda Corral finished second in the womens category and third senior overall. Luis Mas won the bronze medal, in this occasion crewing for Jordi Triay at the Snipe National Cup held at the RCN de Adra.
[Enlarged ]

  •  30/03/2013   •
  •  Dinghy Sailing

Maria Bover finishes second at the Optimist Copa de España

The representative of the Real Club Náutico de Palma (RCNP), María Bover finishes second in the girls category at the Optimist Copa de España de Optmist held at the Real Club Náutico de Castellón. Marc Lladó, of the CN Sa Rápita, finished third overall and Alberto Torres, of the RCNP, sixth. [Enlarged ]

  •  23/03/2013   •
  •  Conference

Sánchez-Cuenca reveals some of the secrets of the Bay of Palma.

The meteorologist, Miguel Sánchez-Cuenca gave a very interesting conference on the tactics applied depending on the wind conditions in the bay of Palma. [Enlarged ]